
The Whole True Cast

The Whole True Cast

We had a three week break from school between the first and second trimesters.  My sister and I did True for one week.  True is a fun winter camp where you are acting out for a performance.   I liked being a part of True because it was a good way to have fun when we were out of school, and it was for three hours of the day.

There were about ten other girls who also live in Nosara who were in True with me.  The teachers were Miss Amber and Miss Margaret, who run a dance program here.  At the end of the week we put on a performance at the skate park.

Here are some pictures from the performance.

Josie and a Friend Working It Out in True
Josie and a Friend Working It Out in True
We Got to Create Our Own Characters
We Got to Create Our Own Characters

We learned two song routines which we performed, called “Work it Out” and “Caminando” (which means walking in Spanish).  Click here for links to the songs:  Work it Out and Caminando.

The message of the show was be nice to others.  This is an important message because people have the same heart even though their from different places.

Categories: Chuck | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “True

  1. Granny

    Wonderful post. Thank you, Josie, for sharing this. I love seeing pictures of you in Nosara. Love you, Granny


  2. CTemp

    Nice work Jojo. You are a great little actor. Glad you had fun.


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